Remember Big in Sex and the City painting his bedroom wall bright red? We agree with him: living in beige or white walls gets boring for years. Read How To Add Brightness And Not Go Crazy
There are houses where literally from the doorway anyone who comes in understands: people live here, full of creativity and with a very violent imagination. Leroy Merlin stylist Alena Podmasco tells how to fill the interior with colors without violating the harmony of comfort and style.
What is a redecor?
Redecorating a room is adding accents to a familiar interior, without radical changes or redevelopment. Redecor is needed if you want to refresh the atmosphere and prepare the space for the appearance of new pieces of furniture or decor that you would like to purchase and fit perfectly into the interior.
If you want changes, but it's scary to start a global rework, limit yourself to a small area. A corridor, bathroom, or balcony is perfect for trying out an accent color. And in the rest of the rooms, it will be enough to support the color with the help of decor items.
When bright color plays a major role in the room, it is worth minimizing drawings, ornaments and complex shapes. Choose furniture made of wood or metal and fixtures with simple geometric shapes.
Compatibility principle
Bright walls and textile accents are best paired with neutral furnishings. Then the output will be an interior with character, but stylish and restrained.
Maintaining proportions
So that the room does not become too colorful, when choosing colors for the interior, limit yourself to a maximum of three. They should be combined in the following proportion: 60% for the main color, 30% for the second and 10% for the third. But the floor is better left neutral, for example, the color of bleached wood.
Johannes Itten's color wheel will help you find the perfect color combination and not cross the brink of tastelessness. A great example of color combinations is blue, yellow and purple. They will fill your home with joy, warmth and positive energy.
In a small space, color spots will help define different functional areas. In the nursery, with the help of them, you can select areas for recreation and study, in the studio apartment - space for sleeping, kitchen, gatherings with friends and reading. The colorblock technique will help to make the room visually larger and break the usual idea of the plane.
It is enough to paint the wall white, hang white frames on it, put a white cabinet and on top of everything, climbing on the frames and furniture, draw a bright blue rectangle that will make you wonder where what is here. We spend more time solving, which means that the room seems larger.
Let there be light
For a bright interior, it is worth choosing neutral or cold lighting, as warm colors tend to distort colors, making them dirty and dark. More light will help to add bright table lamps from the Just collection, reminiscent of figures from Tetris.
The bright interior in the large living room will perfectly complement the white electric fireplace from the Diamond collection. It will become a place of attraction for family and close friends, a corner for exciting conversations and hot tea parties.
Desighner: Alena Podmasco
STYLIST "LEROY MERLIN" Decorates rooms, works as a decorator, likes to use bright colors in the interior
Written By Polina Novikova - Journalist
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