Madrid City , Ispain

Madrid was also known as Majerit. It is the capital of the Kingdom of Spain and its largest city, with a population of 3.2 million (January 2011), and a population of 6.54 million in the suburbs. The city has an area of ​​607 square kilometers (234 square miles). 

The city is located on the banks of the Manzanares River in central Spain. Madrid is the fourth largest city in the European Union after Paris, London and Berlin. It houses the seat of the Spanish government, the royal family, the country's most important companies, 6 state universities, and many higher institutes. 

Madrid is one of the most important cities in Europe, strategically, culturally and economically. It is the fourth largest city in terms of the number of tourists in Europe and the first in Spain. The total number of tourists hosted by the city reached nearly seven million tourists in 2006. It is the headquarters of the World Organization for International Tourism and Tourism Fair.

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