adventure portal thuringia at the federal horticultural show 2021

Every two years the Federal Garden Show attracts tens of thousands of visitors and not only delights garden and flower lovers. The federal state of Thuringia will be the focus of the exhibition in 2021, for which DIA-Dittel Architekten, in cooperation with Thüringer Tourismus GmbH and the innovation agency 7Places, developed, designed and implemented an exhibition concept that creates a high identification value with central Germany. 

The most important sights and special excursion destinations are presented in the exhibition in an emotional way and offer visitors the opportunity to discover the state with all its facets and regional characteristics. The use of multimedia technology gives the interdisciplinary exhibition concept its future-oriented character and is entirely under the sign of the country slogan: "Here the future has tradition".

The three themed worlds "Nature", "Local Color", and "Culture & History" are presented to visitors as part of the exhibition and reflect the diverse world of Thuringia in an impressive way. Within the themed worlds, an information and experience space is passed through, which takes visitors on a journey through Thuringia. 

The tension between these two spaces within a themed world is consciously built up. The visitors take on the role of the viewer, but also become part of the exhibition themselves. With the help of digital elements, the integration of all senses is possible and an active 

world of experience is created, which provides innovative insights into the state through a fusion of interior design concepts, loving exhibits and digital room solutions. Inspired by a significant selection of materials and colors from glass and porcelain art, the way of life between tradition and modernity is transferred into the room and the values ​​of historical events, people and monuments are conveyed.

A virtual museum tour with a high level of experience 

Particularly noteworthy is the high degree of innovation of the exhibition. Starting with augmented reality in the discovery magnifiers in the entrance area, through digital marketplaces with QR code memory logic, to a room-spanning projection of the Anna Amalia library in Weimar, Thuringian specialties are conveyed in a variety of ways. The digital elements of the exhibition invite you to participate on a new level. 

Visitors can see a video of the Thuringian Forest on a Hollywood swing, create their own Bauhaus work of art and even playfully sizzle their own bratwurst on the highlight exhibit "Bratwurst Stand". Artistic-scenographic elements, such as the Saalfeld fairy grottoes, also make up the high degree of innovation of the exhibition. The "famous minds" provide the additional charm,

Not only the immediate area, but also the external locations of the BUGA benefit from the Thuringia adventure portal. The visitor goes through a virtual journey to the most popular sights of the state, through impressive landscapes and to historical cultural sites. The exhibition will become a source of inspiration for a trip through this exciting part of Germany, which is particularly worth a trip this year.

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